Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Day 16 (April 18)

No improvement in the weather so walk suspended again. Sadly we said our farewells to Jacqui & Melv who had to return to Norfolk. Lyn & myself are certainly going to miss them - always very helpful, cheerful & supportive. Big, big thanks to you both.
Must share this little snippet with you: Melv says to me "Pete, is there anywhere on the route I can see the sea on my left hand side?" I said, "Melv you fool, just turn around".

1 comment:

  1. We really enjoyed our time with you - lots of laughs! Melv now knows how tough it is going to be for you to finish Pete but you are certainly fit enough so hope the blisters subside and the weather is kinder. Thanks to Lyn for all the great grub - hope to see you both near the end.
    Melv and Jacqui
