Friday, 27 April 2012

Day 25 (April 27) Coverack to Falmouth

On leaving the car park by the Paris Hotel (where we 'camped') it was a lovely bright day - in fact the sunrise this morning was spectacular. The footpath however was, as expected, extremely muddy throughout the day. In fact in some places it was almost impassible - o.k. for the cows (4 footed variety) who had made many places a quagmire; in some gateways the slurry must have been 9 inches deep. Speaking of cows one particular herd took too much of an interest in yours truly. I survived albeit a bit shaken.
So I have now passed the halfway point, Porthallow (315 miles). Generally my health is good, still having some trouble with blisters, but just wish the weather could be a bit kinder; too much wind and rain.


  1. Peter- with your track record of weather since you started this great trek, have you considered offering to walk around the south of England to alleviate their drought or indeed volunteer to be the Minister of Drought ?! Alternatively there must be some witch-doctors in E Africa who would like to know your secret !! Well done on passing the halfway mark, I guess it's downhill all the way now ....... or maybe not !!

  2. Hello Lyn and Pete,
    Have been following your adventures regularly and congratulations to both of you having now reach the half way mark.
    Have a good rest day in Falmouth and we shall see you once
    you reach this part of the world.
    J & V xxx
